And they are free …


So hard to believe a month has passed since my last post. I had a few issues accessing the internet so I have been very behind in updating my photos and descriptions. Hoping I will get all caught up over the next few days! (NOTE: photos are up, just not necessarily captioned as yet).

What an incredible month I have experienced! When I last posted we had only a couple of chicks start to fledge. These little guys are already getting stronger and we have several more out and about (I am guessing about 6 or 7 but its hard to keep them straight). Their tiny little squawks and absolutely clumsiness are just utterly adorable.


Recently Fledged Great Green Macaw


We had an abundance of rain during July and the first part of August, but the last few weeks has been primarily beautiful beautiful sunshine! This has permitted a few different activities for us here at ARA. Mario (one of the staff here at ARA) brought in some saplings that he has been growing from seed and I was able to participate in my first tree planting event in the tropics! We planted 8 trees as we wandered in to the jungle! Somehow though, I forgot to take pictures of the mountain almonds that we planted – I will ensure I include them in my next blog. The soil here is a dense clay with very little humus in it. Definitely different planting in this location compared to anything else I have every done.


Buchenavia costaricensis


Hymenolobium mesoamericanum


Vochysia guatemalensis


Sacoglottis trichogyna


Matayba ingifolia *


As we were out planting trees, Mario offered to take us on a jungle trek the following day, and trek we did! I am afraid I grumbled a little through the front half of this walk lol. Although I have done several treks with guides through these areas I can readily say I have never done a hike quite like this one. Mario forged ahead, machete in hand to ensure we had a clear trail as we scrambled up and sometimes slid down various peaks.

Mario and Beth on the incline during our jungle hike – Photo Courtesy of Lydia Pink


It was hot and it was HARD work. Mario has a degree in Forestry and this trek was really about sharing the various trees in both primary and secondary rain forests. We saw many absolutely humbling trees but he brought us to this magnificent old girl and the minute my eyes saw her every ache in my body was elated to bear witness to her majesty.

Hura crepatins – I simply cannot fathom how much life this tree has seen over the years. I was simply in awe

Video link to the tree

I always feel a profound sense of love, connection and humility whenever I am in the presence of old growth trees. My children will be pleased to learn that I didn’t full out cry this time lol (just a little tearing up – I am such a suck). I could have sat here forever like this (well except for the ants that eventually crawled down my pants and bit me but that is a different story).

This is also know as a sandbox tree – I could sit in the shade of this sandbox forever. Photo courtesy of Beth


Thank you Mario for taking us on this adventure – this day will stay with me forever!

As for the Macaws themselves, well this has been an exciting month! On the 7th of September we released three Macaws to the wild!!!! Sorry kids, this one I did cry over lol. To see these beautiful birds take their first flight in the wild was simply overwhelming.

On the morning of release day, as we were getting a few last minute things prepared, the wild flock gathered around in anticipation. I swear they knew something special was up. Many of them hung around the aviary instead of flying off for their daily adventures.

Wild flock gathering around, they knew something was up and their curiosity was tangible


When we do a release, there is a two way gate at the back of the aviary. This is loaded with food and then the gate is opened for the birds to eat and then fly off whenever they are ready. Once we loaded the additional feeders and the food in the gate, the wild flock of course came for a snack and to watch the show lol.

One of the wild birds having a snack and waiting for the young ones to come out.


When we first opened the gate, I think it was a little overwhelming for the birds that were to be released lol. They sat there watching the wild flock eat the food, unsure of what to do next!


What do you mean, we go our there??? These are the three that are being released. Took a while for them to enter the gate


I think my excitement was truly shared with the excitement of the wild flock. It took about an hour, but finally one of them came through the gate and stepped/flew a little to the outside world. Yup, a tear happened lol but what can I say, I am what I am :).


One of the released Macaws having a little stretch before flying off!


Eventually they all took flight and joined the wild flock. We have been monitoring them closely and I am pleased to say they are doing very well. Considering we have about 35 Great Green Macaws that have stayed in this area, the release on this day increased the local population by 10%. I have been so incredibly blessed to have had the opportunity to participate in the tremendous work that this organization is doing. Although my time here is starting to wind down I suspect I will be back!

Going to sign off for today, but will post again shortly as my next adventure will begin soon!

Love and light to you all!

Mary Lou

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2 thoughts on “And they are free …

  1. Jean says:

    What a fantastic blog….. and a great adventure .. thank you for sharing …. I loved the tree/you picture . It soputs everything inpeespective ! ❤️✌️😁

    1. Marylou says:

      Thank you Jean! Truly is an amazing adventure!

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