Arrived …

Before I get in to my writing I want to extend an apology to those of you who may have received multiple automated emails from me that didn’t really take you anywhere lol. Please be patient, I am learning as I go. I know what I did wrong and hopefully that will not occur again!

After my last writing I packed up the last of my travel belongings and embarked on my journey to Costa Rica. There we several tears shed both with my family and as I sat at the airport awaiting to board (BONUS – SEAT UPGRADE because the stewardess felt bad for me I think lol). I was extremely excited to embark on this adventure but the goodbyes for an indefinite time period were difficult.

The purple are my travel bags and the three bins are items that remain in Canada. This photo shows all that remains of my worldly possessions.


As I booked the most economical flight I could find for my departure, the travel down was long and exhausting (approximately 27 hours)! I arrived at my accommodations about 7:30 at night and simply crawled in to bed and slept hard. My eyes opened again about 5:30 in the morning (pretty typical for me) and I was elated to hear the soft sounds of rain and the howler monkeys off in the distance. I stepped out of my room and was immediately in awe of the jungle that surrounds me.

The property where I am staying … simply incredible
Selva Mar, Talamanca, Costa Rica

My accommodations for now. Beautiful little set up where I can work on this webpage while looking out at the jungle.


Apparently June in this part of Costa Rica was unseasonably dry and since my arrival mother nature has been making up for it! Imagine that, loads of rain in the wet season in a tropical rain forest lol. This has somewhat limited my adventure time to date but has allowed me to spend some time to figure this webpage out (this may very well be my biggest challenge to date) and to enjoy reconnecting with friends! I plan on spending the next few weeks just enjoying the area (hiking, biking and swimming), visiting with friend (maybe a little partying ;)) and getting my diet cleaned up a bit (all the good bye visits added a few pounds on to this old girl). I head to ARA to start my volunteer work on the 29th of July and want to be in the best condition possible when that starts.

Encountered the first sloth of this trip while I made a break for the sunshine!


Although I don’t know exactly where I am going with this blog, I thought I would explain a couple of things. Going forward, my plan is to send out an update approximately every 2-3 weeks (internet availability a major factor in that). I am conscious of how much email some of you get and don’t want to be unnecessarily burdening you all with additional stuff. I also am conscious of not wanting to put an unrealistic expectation on myself for publishing. That said, I will update my photography at a higher frequency than this. I will not be putting out email updates for photography updates though and just invite you to come back and take a peruse at your leisure.

Oh and one last thing before I sign off on this one …. Although I am vaping, I have been cigarette free since June 18th!

Love and Light
Mary Lou

Check out Shutterbug Stuff for my latest photos

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12 thoughts on “Arrived …

  1. Dorothy Mullaly says:

    MaryLou, I am in complete awe of what you are doing. Your courage and adventurous spirit is inspiring. Most of us are living vicariously through you now and look forward to your next update. I see a book in your future!!

    Stay safe, my friend.

    1. Marylou says:

      Thank you so much Dorothy! I am excited to see what the universe provides!

  2. Sampada says:

    I love the sloth. I have to come down to see one. And you know how happy I am about the surprise. All the best 😊

  3. Darrell and Jo says:

    Way to go with the smoking!! So hard to change such strong habits 🙂 This journey is already amazing and the photos aren’t bad either

    Really enjoying the blog

  4. iwona says:

    Looking forward to the updates on your adventure. Looks extremely beautiful. ALSO, very proud of you for quitting cigarettes! I hope you are feeling better with vaping- I remember how good it felt. Best of luck with that!

    1. Marylou says:

      So much better! Crazy the difference

  5. Linda says:

    I love the blog Marylou!
    I love travelling myself and because I just can not yet I am travelling through you so don’t stop posting photos and writing your blog.
    Good for you for stopping smoking!
    Love and hugs to you

  6. Karen and Norm says:

    So glad you made it safely and are settling in. Looking forward to all your fantastic photos and blogs to come. Still very jealous though 😜

  7. Steven Thomas says:

    My most admired Mary Lou. Your boldness and openness to all what nature can offer is inspiring. Hugh’s!!!

    1. Marylou says:

      It is incredibly beautiful Steven! I am in awe

  8. REX MARTIN says:

    well done Marylou, uncle rex and aunte noreen.

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