Life After ….

As most of you know by now, I left my job in March of this year. A variety of reasons drove that decision but regardless of them, this has afforded the opportunity for me to finally embark on an adventure that I have talked about forever.

April and May were spent getting the house ready to go on the market and then finally moving out. May 23 I said goodbye to what had been my home for 17 years. From that point until now I have spent my days with friends and family throughout BC and Alberta (and a quick dip down to Montana). The time spent with everyone has been incredible. Great company, good food, loads of laughs and memories to carry me forward until we see each other again.

Over this period of time I drove about 7000 kms and I cannot express how good this was for my soul. Over the last while I had become quite disenfranchised with Canada and Alberta in particular. This trip not only gave me the opportunity to spend time with those I love, but I also created the opportunity for me to fall in love with this country again … we do live in an incredibly beautiful part of the world.

And so tomorrow I get on the plane and start this next chapter in my life … I will be in touch and look forward to sharing this journey with you

Alberta Prairies (Just outside of Beiseker)

Alberta Prairies (Just outside of Beiseker)

Our beautiful Rockies! Even in mid June the tops are still covered in snow! Highway to Radium British Columbia

Banff National Park, Alberta

Marble Canyon – British Columbia

Greenwood BC, a throwback

Kananaskis, AB

Fintry Falls, British Columbia

Okanagan Lake, British Columbia

Hoodoos, Outside of Fairmont, British Columbia

Hoodoos, Outside of Fairmont, British Columbia

Bald Eagles over Colubmia Lake, British Columbia

The amazing falls by the suspension bridge at Libby Falls (Montana)

Flathead Lake Montana

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13 thoughts on “Life After ….

  1. Connie Johnson says:

    This is great and the pictures are amazing!!! On my bucket list to visit the home you’re leaving behind. Congratulations and Pura Vida! ❤️

  2. Jody says:

    What an adventurous start! You really didn’t need to steal all of the calendar photos… You could have taken your own! 😂 Love you to pieces Woo Woo.

  3. Debbie Hopkins says:

    Congratulations MaryLou on following your dreams! Beautiful photos! I look forward to seeing more. Take care out there.

  4. Walter says:

    Great Shots look forward to more… Good Luck!

  5. Andy says:

    Excellent!….a little jealous of your upcoming adventure. Enjoy!

  6. Harold Smith says:

    I hope that I am always counted among your friends. I enjoyed working for you for those few years at Scotford. I eagerly await your blog. It is sure to be exciting, and a way to maintain the connection.

  7. Jerry Moreside says:

    Very cool MaryLou, I’m happy for you! Looking forward to more blogs and fantastic photography . Safe travels my friend


  8. Darrell and Jo says:

    The only impossible journey is the one you never begin 🙂
    You are living my favourite quote, Lou. Can hardly wait to follow your blog and JJ I am not a robot anymore lol

  9. Jean says:

    Fabulous pics, are those with
    Your new camera? Our Canada sure is gorgeous… but every country has it’s gorgeous ❤️

    1. Marylou says:

      YES!!!! My 2 lbs camera!!! I love it so much and am learning it more and more each day!

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